Emergency Dentistry

Dental emergencies can happen anytime and anywhere. Being prepared is key to dealing with a dental emergency.

Emergency Dentistry: What to Do When a Dental Emergency Happens

Dental emergencies can happen anytime and anywhere. Being prepared is key to dealing with a dental emergency. Whether you are at home, at the office, or out and about, it's essential to know your options when faced with a dental emergency.

Common Dental Emergencies

The most common dental emergencies are broken teeth, broken or lost fillings, broken or damaged crowns, and toothaches.

Broken teeth: A tooth can break in a number of ways. It could break off completely at the gum line, break in half or crack through the middle but not fall off entirely.

Broken or lost filling: A filling can become loose for several reasons, including chewing on something hard or eating something sticky.

Toothache: A toothache is often the result of a cavity or abscess that has developed below the gum line. It can also be caused by untreated cavities that have erupted into the pulp chamber and are now infected.

Broken or damaged crown: Crowns can come loose for several reasons, including chewing on something hard or eating sticky foods. Crowns can break as easily as your natural tooth, and the damage is not always visible.

How to deal with a dental emergency

When dealing with a dental emergency, it's imperative to act quickly. Some dental emergencies can wait until the next day, but others need to be attended to right away. For example, a toothache can be treated at home with home remedies until you see your dentist, but a broken tooth should be attended to as soon as possible.

Unexpected dental work can be an unwelcome expense, but if left unattended, the damage to your teeth and gums can become more severe, costing you more money in the long run. The sooner you see a dentist to deal with your dental emergency, the better your prognosis will be!

If you're experiencing a dental emergency, here are some things you can do until you can see a dentist:

Broken tooth:

If you break a tooth, avoid chewing on the side of your mouth, and don’t eat anything hard or sticky. If possible, rinse off the area with cold water and try to hold it in place using gauze or even a piece of clean cloth if necessary. See your dentist as soon as possible as a broken tooth can almost always be saved if attended to immediately.

Broken or lost filling:

If you have a broken or lost filling, gently remove any food particles that may be lodged in the cavity with dental floss. The Canadian Dental Association suggests, "Put a piece of sugarless chewing gum in the spot where the filling was lost. This will protect the area for a short period of time. See your dentist as soon as possible to have the filling replaced."


Rinse your mouth with warm water and salt, and then use dental floss to clean the area. Take over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen and place a cold compress on the outside of your cheek over the affected tooth. See your dentist as soon as possible.

Broken crown:

If your crown comes off, rinse the area with water, wrap the crown in some tissue or put it in a container where it will not be damaged. See your dentist to have the crown glued back on as soon as possible.

Finding an emergency dentist near you

Finding an emergency dentist is important because they can provide the necessary care to help you get through your dental emergency and ensure that you receive the treatment you need promptly. Delaying treatment can lead to further damage and could require more extensive treatment.

When looking for a good emergency dentist, make sure that they are licensed and have experience treating dental emergencies. Call your family dentist first to see if they are open and could fit you in. If they can't help you, they will refer you to another reputable emergency dentist in the area.

If you do not have a family dentist, performing a quick web search of 'emergency dentistry university of calgary' or 'emergency dentist uofc' will give you a list of qualified general dentists near you.

University District Dental is an emergency dental clinic in Brentwood Calgary. If you are experiencing a dental emergency, call us at (587) 391-7373. We will do our best to get you in as soon as possible or provide you with instructions to deal with your emergency.

Our general dentist, Dr. Safina Jetha-Kurji, and her experienced staff are prepared to help you through any dental emergency you may face. Stop by and say hello or give us a call to book a consult. You can reach us by email at emerguniversitydistrictdental@gmail.com, or book an appointment online.

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Give us a call at (587) 391-7373 with any questions or use our convenient online booking tool to make an appointment today!